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01 Oct

Makers vs Takers # Linux Victoria October 2024

7:15 pm - 9:15 pm
Welcome to the LUV monthly Main Meeting! Every month, members of LUV, Linux Users of Victoria, get together on the first Tuesday of the month [...]


21 Nov

Brainstorm your Everything Open submission

7:00 pm - 7:50 pm
This is a session to support those who are considering submitting a talk for the "Everything Open" conference which will be held in April 2024 [...]
27 Aug

Linux Tech Help #5

Welcome to Electron Workshop monthly Tech Help! Every month, members of LUV, Linux Users of Victoria as well as Electron Workshop will get together once [...]
17 Aug

Intro to Govhack / Discussion on Open Data and Open Innovation

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Join us for a discussion on Open Data and Open Innovation! Leading up to the highly anticipated GovHack hackathon, members of Linux Users of Victoria and Designing [...]
25 Jun

Linux Tech Help #3

Welcome to Electron Workshop monthly Tech Help! Every month, members of LUV, Linux Users of Victoria as well as Electron Workshop will get together once [...]
29 Jan

Lunch and learn at Docklands makerspace (meet at the cafe)

12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
We are getting together on the last Sunday of January to meet in person and check out the makerspace at the Docklands Library. The plan [...]
25 Jan

Last-Wednesday Connect, 2023 Kick-off!

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Whether you have just heard about Linux or have been a sysadmin for decades, we would like to see you in our monthly get-together, "Last-Wednesday [...]
25 Jan

Last-Wednesday Connect // June 2023

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Whether you have just heard about Linux or have been a sysadmin for decades, we would like to see you in our monthly get-together, "Last-Wednesday [...]
25 Jan

Last-Wednesday Connect // Aug 2023

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Whether you have just heard about Linux or have been a sysadmin for decades, we would like to see you in our monthly get-together, "Last-Wednesday [...]
14 Jan

Brainstorm your Everything Open submission

3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
The call for submissions for the new conference "Everything Open" is open until the end of Sunday (anywhere on Earth) which will be sometimes mid-day [...]
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